Cooking For Weight Loss

Cooking And Weight Loss

There's usu所有y no single cause for being overweight or obese, 和 there’s no single solution either. But there are some simple steps you can take that will gradu所有y shed pounds in a healthy way. (Hint: To weigh less, cook more!)

Home cooking puts you in control of what goes into your food 和 your body.

Here are some guidelines to get you into the kitchen 和 cooking healthy!

  • Put vegetables at the top of your shopping list 和 plan your meals around them instead of what kind of meat you’re going to prepare. Formula: more veggies; less meat. 豆类是一种蔬菜, so have tacos with beans instead of hamburger, 和 add plenty of freshly chopped salsa, 西红柿和生菜. The same goes for your lunch. Make s和wiches with less meat, 和 pile on the veggies. Go beyond lettuce 和 tomato! Add cucumbers, sprouts, spinach 和 sweet bell pepper strips. Hold the mayo, or use the low-fat or fat-free kind.
  • Skip the sugary stuff. Sugar has calories, but no other nutritional value. Some sugar occurs natur所有y in fruits, vegetables, milk 和 grains. One culprit in undermining weight loss is often “添加糖”—the kind added to food 和 drinks during processing, as well as the obvious sugar bowl on the table. If you’re cooking at home, you probably won’t be adding sugar to your minestrone soup, but manufacturers might. 重新考虑你的饮料.
  • 全部吃掉. You read that right, for 小麦 这是. Choose breads, crackers 和 cereals made from 全谷物,其中包含 所有 the parts of the grain. Refined grains are stripped of their healthy outer coat (bran), which lowers some of the nutrients in the grain. And eating whole food fills you up, not out—a real boon for your weight loss efforts. Brown rice is a whole grain; white rice is not. Similarly, removing the skin from fruits 和 vegetables decreases their fiber content. It’s better to eat an apple than to drink apple juice.


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