30 Tips to Help Your Family Eat Better

Mom and daughter making salad


  1. Make it fun for kids to try new fruits and vegetables. 让他们每周在杂货店挑选一种新的水果或蔬菜. Plan together how to prepare it in a healthy way.

  2. Include whole grains in your family’s eating plan. When grocery shopping for bread, rice, pasta, cereal, cracker and more, choose the whole-grain options. Look for “whole grain” to be the first ingredient on the ingredient list.

  3. Choose healthy “good” fats. Use nontropical liquid vegetable oils, such as canola, corn, olive, safflower, sesame and sunflower, 代替黄油和其他固体脂肪,尽量减少饱和脂肪,避免反式脂肪.

  4. Be a good role model. 如果你不吃自己的蔬菜,你很难指望你的孩子吃他们的蔬菜. Teach your kids and show by example what healthy foods 为了保持身体健康,我们应该吃什么?吃多少.

  5. Read Nutrition Facts labels. 寻找能提供维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维的食物. 限制钠,添加糖,饱和脂肪和避免反式脂肪. Look for the Heart-Check mark 在杂货店的产品上帮助你知道你正在做一个健康的选择.

  6. Cook more at home. When you cook, 你可以更好地控制食物的成分和你吃的量. Plan to cook at home more often than eating out. Get started with our delicious, nutritious recipes.

  7. Snack smart. Keep ready-to-eat fruit and veggies on hand, 比如芹菜、甜椒和一碗葡萄或樱桃, in an easy reach spot in the fridge. Your family will likely grab fruits and vegetables, especially for snacks, if they’re readily available. Make the easy choice the healthy choice.

  8. Eat fish high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. 油性鱼类,如鲑鱼、鲭鱼、鳟鱼和长鳍金枪鱼,都是不错的选择. Plan to serve fish twice a week. Try these fish recipes.

  9. Enjoy a small handful of nuts or seeds. Look for unsalted or lightly salted nuts. 杏仁、榛子、花生、山核桃、开心果和核桃都是不错的选择. 也可以在原味、无脂/低脂酸奶或燕麦片中搅拌,或者撒在沙拉上.

  10. Choose fresh, canned or frozen vegetables and fruits. They are loaded with nutrients and dietary fiber. They are also naturally low in calories and sodium. 新鲜的、冷冻的和罐装的农产品都是健康的选择. 对于罐装食品,选择无盐、低钠和无糖的选项. For frozen, look for those with no sauces or seasonings.

  11. Use fresh or dried herbs and salt-free spices. Stock your kitchen with herbs and spices, such as basil, parsley, cayenne, chili powder, cumin, curry, ginger, black pepper, 碾碎的红辣椒片和无盐调味料混合. Use these to flavor foods instead of salt. Add a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime to add flavor, too.

  12. Pack your own lunches. 不管你是去上班还是孩子们去上学, 自带午餐是个好主意,这样每个人都能做出健康的选择. 试试金枪鱼或鸡蛋沙拉,配上无脂/低脂蛋黄酱,配上100%全麦面包和生菜和番茄. 选择含有豆类、坚果和无脂/低脂奶酪的沙拉来补充蛋白质. Get creative and use leftovers, too. 把昨晚的肉卷放在皮塔饼口袋里,配上番茄酱(不加盐),作为今天的午餐,怎么样?? Don’t forget to pack snacks, too, including cheese strings, yogurt (plain, fat free/low fat), fruit, nuts/seeds and cut-up vegetables.

  13. Cook vegetables in healthy ways. 不同的烹饪方法会使同一种蔬菜的味道略有不同. 所以,如果你不喜欢蒸西兰花,可以试试烤西兰花. 烤出了许多蔬菜的天然甜味, such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms and butternut squash. Try grilling zucchini, yellow squash and corn on the cob. Carrots, snow peas and asparagus are delicious steamed.

  14. Look for the Heart-Check mark when you shop. 留意一下美国心脏协会的会员吧 Heart-Check mark to make smarter food choices.

  15. Replace sweetened beverages with unsweetened options. Enjoy sparkling water, 不加糖的茶或无糖饮料,而不是加糖的苏打水或茶. Add fruits, such as lemon, lime or berries, to beverages for extra flavor.

  16. Enjoy fruit for dessert. Include fruit when making homemade desserts and limit traditional desserts to special occasions.

  17. Use healthy cooking techniques. Instead of frying foods, which can add a lot of extra calories and unhealthy fats, use healthier cooking methods, such as slow cooking, roasting, grilling, baking or steaming.

  18. Grow your own garden. 孩子们更有可能尝试他们自己种植的东西.

  19. Schedule time each week to plan healthy meals. 把你的食谱、购物清单和优惠券整理好,使计划和预算更容易. The more you plan, 你就不太可能被诱惑去选择快餐或其他不健康的选择.

  20. Check Nutrition Fact labels. Serving size does not always equal portion size. 检查你购买的食物的份量和每盒的份量. 看似合理的份量可能是两份或更多份.

  21. Get your kids in the kitchen. 当他们参与其中时,他们会对健康食品更感兴趣. 给他们一些适合他们年龄的任务,并在手边准备一个阶梯凳.

  22. 用冷冻的或罐装的鱼和家禽做一顿简单快捷的饭. 选择低钠的罐装水,并比较不同产品的钠含量. Throw these proteins in a simple stir-fry or salad.

  23. Serve a meatless meal at least once a week. Think vegetable lasagna or a portabella mushroom burger. 蔬菜和豆类可以增加蛋白质、纤维和其他营养物质.

  24. Be an advocate for healthier kids. 在学校和儿童看护中心坚持选择好的食物. Contact public officials and make your voice heard. Join the American Heart Association’s You're the Cure.

  25. Eating healthy on a budget. Try these budget-friendly recipes. 许多水果、蔬菜和豆类(豆类和豌豆)每份的价格不到1美元.

  26. Watch out for added sugars. They add extra calories but no helpful nutrients. 对我们大多数人来说,含糖饮料和软饮料是添加糖的头号来源. Save sugary desserts and snacks for special occasions.

  27. Eat the rainbow. 要确保你的家人吃到各种各样的水果和蔬菜,一个有趣又美味的方法就是每天尽可能多地吃不同颜色的水果和蔬菜.

  28. Color your plate when eating out. 桌上的儿童蜡笔并不是为你的餐点增添色彩的唯一方式. Look for colorful fruits and vegetables 你可以把它作为配菜或代替其他食材.

  29. Eat together as a family. Sit down for a meal together at least once a week with family, friends or neighbors. 它可以减轻压力,增强自尊,让每个人都感觉更有联系.

  30. Help your family be well. Family meals are good for the heart.  


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